Plant Families

Indoor plant Families 

What is Indoor or Houseplant?

Indoor/house plants are plants that have been modified to thrive indoors. Exotic plants native to warm, frost-free regions of the world that may be cultivated in portable pots or tiny gardens in colder climates are the most frequent. The species that make the greatest indoor subjects can adapt to the warm, dry circumstances seen in most indoor living environments. Aroids, bromeliads, succulents, ferns, begonias, and palms are among them. In this article we will discuss about indoor plants families.

Types of indoor plants:                                                                                      There are almost thousands of tropical and subtropical plants that can adapt to growing indoors. Although some exotic species thrive exclusively in a humid conservatory or a glass-enclosed terrarium, many species have been developed to withstand the harsh circumstances of dry heat and low light intensity seen in many homes. Following are two parts of the most popular houseplants: foliage plants, some of which also bear fascinating blooms, and flowering plants, which are kept solely for their flowers. 

Foliage plants:

In the aroid family, which has offered a range of long-lived houseplants, the most best known are the philodendrons. These are lovely tropical American climbers with gorgeous leathery leaves that are heart-shaped and frequently sliced into lobes. The Swiss cheese plant, Monstera deliciosa, or Philodendron pertusum, features beautiful, glossy, perforated leaves with slashed borders.


Bromeliads are a plant family endemic to tropical North and South America (Bromeliaceae, or pineapple family) and are unique to the Western Hemisphere. Bromeliads live on the forest floor or as epiphytic plants on trees and rocks (as terrestrial plants). In most cases, they develop rosettes of leathery, concave leaves, often with strange patterns or dramatic variegations. As with Neoregelia and Nidularium, their blooms may be concealed deep in the rosette's center, encircled by a cup of vivid crimson inner leaves. The flower spikes of most Tillandsia and Vriesea species are spear-shaped, flattened, and colorful. The earth stars of the terrestrial genus Cryptanthus are rosettes with a remarkable leaf pattern that is more or less flattened. Aechmea and Guzmania species produce brightly colored spikes or heads of long-lasting leathery bracts. Aechmea and Guzmania species produce brilliant berries or spikes of long-lasting leathery bracts. Billbergia species have a tubular form and a spectacular flower stalk with blue blooms that hangs from the stem.


The Araceae is a monocotyledonous plant family whose flowers are carried on an inflorescence known as a spadix. Because they live in the tropical forest understory, they are adapted to low light levels. Many kinds have particularly lovely leaves and blossoms, and they are often used as indoor and outdoor plants in tropical gardens. Some temperate plants, such as Zantedeschia, are common in the Mediterranean and cool temperate gardens. One of the world's largest collections of live Araceae may be seen in the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Here are some true survivor stories:

  • Epipremnum pinnatum: Epipremnum pinnatum cv aureum is a kind of Epipremnum pinnatum. The Golden Pothos can root in water and perhaps flourish for months on end in just water! If given sufficient potting soil and adequate care, it will develop quite long vines with lovely variegated leaves. I've seen them grow to over 30 feet in length in office settings with only fluorescent lights.
  • Philodendron spp. (Philodendron spp.): These were some of the earliest commercially available houseplants. There are several species. Under low light circumstances, the ones with dark green foliage do best.
  • Anthurium spp: There are hundreds of species in this genus and many hybrids and cultivated cultivars. Philodendrons are comparable to culture.
  • Dieffenbachia spp: Several species of Dumbcane are cultivated, such as D. amoena (Giant Dumbcane) and D. picta (Spotted Dumbcane). All have large, variegated leaves and thick, cane-like stems (hence their common names).


The houseplant members used to be classified in Liliaceae, but the lily family was "split" into numerous smaller ones to better reflect relationships. 

  • Sansevieria spp: The most commonly seen species is Sansevieria trifasciata that, go by many curious popular names, Mother-in-law-tongue, Snake Plant, or Lucky Plant. The first two titles are descriptive of the general look (I assume! ), while the third is acceptable given the cultural needs. This blooming plant is arguably the world's most abuse-resistant species! You could actually put it in your closet for two weeks, never watering it, and it would still be alive when you got it out - and it might not even look the same as the day it was placed in solitary confinement!
  • Dracaena spp. (Dragon Tree): The common species seen are D.fragrans var. massangeana (Cornstalk or Corn Plant), D. deremenis 'Warneckei' (Striped Dracaena), D. marginata (Madagascar Dragon Tree). There are variegated and non-variegated variants of several. D. marginata 'Tricolor' is known as Rainbow Tree because its leaves have magnificent green, pink, and yellow stripes.


Any plant with thick fleshy tissues suitable for water storage is referred described as succulent. The variety of succulents available at nurseries, garden centers, as a cutting from a friend, and big-box retailers is incredible. Succulents thrive in hot, arid regions and are unconcerned about being neglected. As a result, they're well-suited to indoor cultivation and are great for those looking for low-maintenance houseplants. Some of these plants will do worse if watered too much instead of too little. Under Special Topics is a separate category for Cacti and Succulents. The main three families we are considering here are Cactaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Crassulaceae.

Spider Plants:

 Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is an evergreen perennial blooming plant known as spider ivy, ribbon plant, and hen and chickens. It's native to tropical and southern Africa, but it's now found worldwide, including Western Australia. Hanging baskets of the genus Chlorophytum, notably C. comosum and its variegated variant, are common in homes and businesses. Plantlets grow at the tips of hanging stolons, indicating that these plants are prolific. This is why you should never pay for this plant; someone will have one with "babies" that you can obtain for free. This genus was previously classified in the Liliaceae family; however, it is now included in the Agavaceae family with Agave.


 The spiderwort family, or Commelinaceae, is the biggest family in the order, with 652 species. Members are mostly terrestrial plants and climbers, with a few epiphytes thrown in for good measure. Many members of this family may be grown indoors with ease. These plants are for the plant enthusiast who may tend to overwater their plants since they don't mind! Here are a few members of this family who are frequently spotted.

  • Tradescantia fluminensis, especially the 'Variegata' variety. Speedy Henry is a plant that grows quickly! Purple Heart Plant, Tradescantia(formerly known as Setcreasea purpurea).
  • Tradescantia sillamontana is a species of tradescantia (White Velvet). There are lovely fuzzy leaves for those who don't want a vertebrate pet.
  • Tradescantia zebrina (used be called Zebrina pendula) - the egregious "Wandering Jew Plant."
  • Blue Ginger (Dichorisandra thyrsiflora) isn't a ginger, but its leaves look like them.